PROSPECTUS 2020-2021

General and technical commercial and industrial Education 1st and 2nd Cycles

Situated at Nkozoa, 150m behind the BOCOM filling station.


Admission into COBICI is done through entrance examinations for 6ème and Form one; and on the study of files for the other classes.


ü  A photocopy of the birth certificate;

ü  A report booklet of the previous year, and;      

ü  An admission form to be collected from the Principal and filled before presentation at the bursar.

Fees and payment modalities:

Step 1: Obligatory articles before registration:

-  Two school uniforms for new students and at least one for old students ;          

-  One pull-over ;            

-  One sport attire, and ;

-  On tee-shirt

Step 2: Registration: 24 000 FCFA

Step 3: Fees: payable in its entirety or in installments as follows:

Cycle and Class

1st installment




3rd installment


Form I and Form II

50 000

35 000

25 000

Form III, Form IV and Form V

50 000

40 000

30 000

Lower and Uppersixth Arts

60 000

50 000

30 000

Lower and Uppersixth Science

60 000

55 000

35 000

In case of withdrawal, the fees is nonrefundable or transferable from one student to another no matter the reason.

InForm5 and Upper Sixth, Tutorial classes (TD) are obligatory, cost20.000 francs per year and payable during registration.

A private transport service isoffered to parents. Transport fees are payable in itsentirety or in installments as follows :

1st term






20 000

15 000

10 000

Other dispositions:

The wearing of school pullover is obligatory on Mondays and during cold weather. No other pull over shall be accepted other than that of the school.

Over-used and poorly sewn uniforms are forbidden. A poorly dressed student shall be sent back home to dress decently.

Six to eight braids for girls and low cuts for boys.

The name and class of the student must be clearly embroidered (white thread) on the left hand side, above the badge of the uniform.

Attendance at physical education practical lessons in sport attire is obligatory even for the unfit. Extra-curricular activities are part and parcel of school life and participation in these activities is obligatory for the integral upbringing of young citizens.

Année Scolaire 2024 / 2025

Enseignement Général:

  • de la 6ème en Tle CD
  • 6ème, 5ème, 4ème & 3ème  bilingue
  • 1ère et Tle Tle TI

Condition d'admission



  • Electricité;
  • Maçonnerie;
  • Employers des services comptables;
  • Economoie Sociale et Familiale;
  • Couture sur mesure;
  • Mécanique de réparation.


Condition d'admission



They are impressed with our services

testimonial 1

"Nous travaillons chaque jour un peu plus pour mériter davantage la confiance des parents de nos élèves."

Mme Germaine AYISSI
Directrice du Groupe Scolaire Bilingue les Citoyens

testimonial 2

"L'Excellence est un choix. Nous travaillons cahque jour pour soigner et promouvoir davantage notre  image de marque. "

M. Achile Valère AYISSI
Promoterur & Manager du Complexe

Pourquoi Choisir les Cityens?

  • Un accès facile, à 150 m de la route nationale N°1 ;
  • Un calme propice à l’apprentissage ;
  • Une clôture et un agent de sécurité ;
  • Une propreté impeccable ;
  • Une infrastructure émergente ;
  • Une salle informatique bien équipé ;gagée.

With the "Citoyens"


L'Excellence est un choix

Contact Us

Address: BP: 20436 Yaoundé


Site Web:

Tel: 677 63 60 30/ 675 18 34 31/675 01 60 12

Situé à Nkozoa, derrière la station Bocom à150 m du goudron




Le groupe Scolaire Bilingue Les Capucines est situé à Ebang face École Publique à 150 du goudron.


Le collège Bilingue les Capucines est un collège d'enseignement général bilingue à cycle complet.

Discipline - Travail - Patrie